
How to make your home irresistible to buyers

published by

Fran Puddefoot

Boxing Day traditionally marks the start of the following year’s home-buying season.   Online searches tend to surge during Christmas week as many make a New Year’s resolution to find their dream home, so for those looking to sell it is worth thinking about getting your house ready now so you can capitalise on the January rush. 


Put the focus on lighting

When the nights are dark you need to make your home feel like a warm and cosy retreat. Lamps with a soft glow are perfect for creating just the right ambience in your living room. 



Create a welcoming entrance

Hallways tend to be a dumping ground for busy families, but remember this is the first impression a house a buyer will get of the inside of your house. Scoop up shoes, invest in a good coat rack and if the space allows think about adding a vase with flowers. 


Get creative in the kitchen

For many buyers, the kitchen is key. Investing in brand new cupboards and appliances is costly, but if your kitchen is looking tired consider spending money on some new accessories that will help breathe new life into this important room. 


Turn your bedroom into a haven of sleep

You may need to be brutal here. Oversize wardrobes and chests of drawers need to go as you want to create a sense of space. Also think about spending a little money on some indulgent throws which you can take with you to your new home.


Make time for the little jobs

It’s easy to put off minor repairs, but they can make or break a house deal. Replace broken handles, repaint chipped dado rails and replace cracked tiles and if you are not sure which to tackle first ask a friend to view your house and let them tell you what catches their eye. 


Author:  Sarah Freeman, V&A Homes



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